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Tanner Ostrander

Creative Leader

Although I earn a paycheck line-producing for Lifeway, my life’s work lies elsewhere. Creatively, I first consider myself a writer above all else. Most people will first see my passion for writing in the short film: Motion. My work on Motion is the start of a Proustian sentence that will end no time soon, I hope. For the time being, at least, my creative sentence is continuing on with A Walk In The Park - a Collaborative Efforts Animation short film that I am writing and co-directing with the ever-brilliant Mariah Young. My passion for writing has yet to cease; rather it continues to expand. Writing for animation is rather new to me, in fact. I began fostering a passion for writing with writing situation-comedies and whimsical short stories. This can be seen in my short story, The Queen’s Pocket Watch, and my situation-comedy, The Sitcom, currently in pre-production. In spite of all the fluff, the common thread that unites us, too, applies to me: I am who He says I am. Tanner.

Tanner Ostrander
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